1983 Born in Taipei, Taiwan
2006 B.A, Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of Arts
2023 Messenger, Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Stay A While and Listen..., Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 The Deepest River, 44 Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Beyond Daily, JingLu Gallery, Taipei
2015 Scene From A Darkness, Cafe Showroom, Taipei
2014 A Ritual, Ahora Restaurant, Taipei
2008 Days Like These, Dynasty Art Gallery, Taipei
2005 2005.11.28—2005.12.02, Nan-Bei Gallery, Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of Arts.
2024 Shifting Fields: Contemporary Chinese Painting, Stanford Art Gallery, California, United State
Luminous Legacy:ESLITE GALLERY’s 35th Anniversary Collection Exhibition III, Eslite Gallery, Beijing, China
Art Osaka, Osaka City Central Public Hall, Osaka, Japan
Stage, A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
‘lub-dub, lub-dub’, Absolute Art Space, Tainan, Taiwan
2023 SUPER NOVART, Artnutri Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
One Art Taipei, Hotel Metropolitan Premier Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Here is where we meet, Chiayi Art Museum, Chiayi, Taiwan
2022 Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Scene From Memory, CANS Space, Taipei, Taiwan
Healing City, Artnutri Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
Square No.1, Artage, Taichung, Taiwan
One Art Taipei, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 Art Taichung, Millennium Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan
2020 Figure Painting 1942-1996, Nan Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Figures & Hands, Helios Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
One Art Taipei, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Art of Absence, Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Art Osaka, Hotel Granvia Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Now and Here, Solid Art, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Art in Park Hotel Tokyo, Park Hotel Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Everyman, Instinc Art Space, Singapore
One Art Taipei, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Impression, Nan Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 35 Gifts, 44 Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Legend Earth Immortal, Stalely Home, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
The Journey of A Glance Back, Nan Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Art Osaka, Hotel Granvia Osaka, Osaka, Japan
2017 Theatre Anxity, House Art, Taoyuan, Taiwan
OPEN CALL, Bo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
An Ode to Thirty, Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Beyond Landscapes, 102 ART, Tainan, Taiwan
2016 The Field, Sin Ping Pier, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Taiwan Annual, Taipei Expo Dome, Taiwan
2015 The Metamorphosis, Guan Xiang Gallery, Taipei
Indescribable Figure - New Figurative Painting In Taiwan, Jing Lu Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Formosa Art Show, Humble House Taipei, Taiwan
Young Art Taipei, Sheraton Grande Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Art Kaohsiung, Chateau de Chine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Mobius Strip, Archetype Factory, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 12th Artist Fair Taiwan,The Paper Mill, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Young Art Taipei, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
See U Next 10, Taichung Cultural & Creative Industries Park, Taichung, Taiwan
2008 Art Osaka, Dojima Hotel, Osaka, Japan
2007 Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghaimart, Shanghai, China
Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center Hall 2(Taipei Show Hall 2), Taiwan
2006 Six – Taiwan Contemporary Painting, Dynasty Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Art Taipei, HuaShan Culture Park, Taipei, Taiwan
Kaohsiung Awards and The 23rd Kaohsiung Fine Arts Exhibition, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
2005 Artist Fair, Chinese Culture and Movie Center, Taipei, Taiwan
New Perspective Art in Taiwan, Taichung County Seaport Art Center, Taiwan
The Art Exhibition of Taipei County , Taipei County Art Center., Taiwan
2003 The 11th International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
Autumn Show, the exhibition hall of the College of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of Arts, Taiwan
Boundary, Nan-Bei Gallery, Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of Arts, Taiwan
Individuals, the exhibition hall of the College of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of Arts, Taiwan
2022 CTBC Painting Prize, Judges' Award, KuanDu Museum of Fine Arts
2006 Kaohsiung Awards
2005 New Perspective Art in Taiwan
Call for Young Artists, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung.
The Art Exhibition of Taipei County
2003 The 11th International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition
1983 生於台北,台灣
2006 國立台北藝術大學美術系畢
2023 「信使」,誠品畫廊,台北,台灣
2020 「請留步,聽我說個故事」,也趣藝廊,台北,台灣
2019 「最深的河」,小巴廊,台北,台灣
2017 「未知的日常」,靜慮藝術,台北,台灣
2015 「漆黑之景」,Cafe Showroom,台北,台灣
2014 「儀式」,Ahora西班牙廚房,台北,台灣
2008 「如此這般的日子」,朝代藝廊,台北,台灣
2005 「2005.11.28~2005.12.02」,國立台北藝術大學美術系南北畫廊,台北,台灣
2024 Shifting Fields: Contemporary Chinese Painting,Stanford Art Gallery,加州,美國
ART OSAKA,大版中央公會堂,大阪,日本
‘lub-dub, lub-dub’,絕對空間,台南,台灣
2023 SUPER NOVART,養心藝術,台中,台灣
ONE ART TAIPEI,JR東日本大飯店,台北,台灣
2022 ART TAIPEI,世貿一館,台北,台灣
平方數 1,Artage,台中,台灣
ONE ART TAIPEI,台北西華飯店,台北,台灣
2021 「台中藝術博覽會」,日月千禧酒店,台中,台灣
2020 「人物畫半世紀|1942~1996的詮釋」,南畫廊,台北,台灣
ONE ART TAIPEI,台北西華飯店,台北,台灣
2019 「留白」,誠品畫廊,台北,台灣
ART OSAKA,Hotel Granvia Osaka,大阪,日本
Art in Park Hotel Tokyo,Park Hotel Tokyo,東京,日本
Everyman,Instinc Art Space,新加坡
One Art Taipei,台北西華飯店,台北,台灣
2018 「35個禮物」,小巴廊,台北,台灣
ART OSAKA,Hotel Granvia Osaka,大阪,日本
2017 「焦慮劇場」,House Art當代藝術,桃園,台灣
2016 「域外之境」,新濱碼頭藝術空間,高雄,台灣
2015 「變異錄」,觀想藝術中心,台北,台灣
「無以名狀 台灣新生代具象會畫試探 I」,靜慮畫廊,台北,台灣
FORMOSA ART SHOW 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會,寒舍艾麗酒店,台北,台灣
YOUNG ART TAIPEI台北國際當代藝術博覽會,喜來登大飯店,台北,台灣
2014 高雄藝術博覽會,瀚品酒店,高雄,台灣
2013 台灣藝術家博覽會,紙廠1918,台北,台灣
2010 YOUNG ART TAIPEI台北國際當代藝術博覽會,王朝大酒店,台北,台灣
2008 ART OSAKA,Dojima Hotel,大阪,日本
2007 上海藝術博覽會,上海世貿商城,上海,中國
2006 「出關六人行—台灣新銳油畫聯展」,朝代藝廊,台北,台灣
2005 「台灣聲視好大」第四屆藝術家博覽會,中影文化城,台北,台灣
2003 中華民國第十一屆國際版畫及素描雙年展,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣
2022 中國信託當代繪畫獎,入選,關渡美術館,台北,台灣
2006 高雄獎,入選,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣
2005 台灣美術新貌獎,入選,台中市港區藝術中心,台中,台灣
2003 中華民國第十一屆國際版畫及素描雙年展,入選,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣